Equine Assisted Learning

The Living Life Ranch is a working ranch dedicated to helping individuals going through hard times. The Ranch hosts children and adults at pre-scheduled times throughout the year. They will learn skills that are necessary to run a ranch, including hands on caring for the horses and learning the importance of group unity and teamwork. The activities will be directed by trained volunteers, salaried counseling staff, ranch hands, and horse trainers. The Ranch is a fun, safe and spiritual place dedicated to motivating and embracing individuals in need.

Why Horses?

  • Physiologists unanimously agree a setting in the country with animals present is an ideal healing place.

  • Horses allow us to unite unconditionally with another living being.

  • A horse has no expectations, prejudices, or motives. All of these traits allow an individual to open up and reveal themselves receiving feedback from the horse’s responses.

  • The size of the horse alone demands respect, a necessary ingredient if the therapist (horse) is to have any influence on the patient. Once respect is established, the individual will be more likely to listen to the guidance of their therapist. In this case, the horse.

 What to Expect

  • Organized activities designed to educate individuals on the working ranch environment.

  • Working alongside a Life Coach and horse to go through exercises that allow for cognitive thinking and therapeutic experiences.

  • Freedom in your space and a safe atmosphere to feel and listen.

  • Faith-based principles and values implemented into the session.

  • Supportive and encouraging environment for children, especially those experiencing trauma and grief.